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                                                       PAUL’S LIFE TESTIMONY


Acts 22:1-30

Key Verse: 22:14


*           Paul’s defense before the Jews of Jerusalem (21:37-22:21)


1.    How did Paul get the opportunity and permission to speak to the crowd of Jews? (21:37-40) Read verses 1-5. What did he say about his background and his pre Christian life?


2.    Read verses 6-11. How and under what circumstances did he meet Jesus? What two questions did he ask the Risen Jesus?  How did Jesus identify himself? What did Jesus tell Paul to do? How did Paul’s companions participate in this event?


3.    Read verses 12-16. Who was Ananias? How did he help Paul? What did he teach Paul about God’s mission for him?


*           A controversial mission (17-29)


4.    Read verses 17-21. What happened when Paul returned to Jerusalem? What warning did the Lord give him? What reasons did he give for thinking that the Jews would accept him? What mission did God give him? How did the crowd respond? Why?


5.    Why was the Roman commander confused? What did he do? How did Paul use his Roman citizenship? How did the commander respond when he learned that Paul was a Roman citizen? What did he decide to do to find out what was going on?

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